Two special people ... 
Oh Yeah!
This page is for them: Francesca and Giovanna. Probably for you these two names are very common,
but for me they are very important!
The tie that binds us is special and strong: we laughed, we joked, we had a fight ... well, we've been through it all together!
It was April 2014 and, while celebrating Easter Monday, I told them that, on May 1, there would have been a big event at Imola to remember
Ayrton. It’s a long trip from our houses (Rome - Imola), but it happened something special and unforgettable: they departed with me without any
I can say that none of them is particularly passionate about cars, let alone then Formula One years '80 -'90. They did not know absolutely nothing
of Ayrton Senna: nor who he was, nor what he had done; but they were ready to chase a dream of mine, by my side, without objections or questions.
They knew only that it was important for me to be there, at Imola, and that was enough.
They chased a dream with me.