Is this the official website of Ayrton Senna?
No, this is a fan-site created exclusively to pay homage to Ayrton.
Is the site entirely free?
Of course, it is: as I written on the home page of the site, this domain is fully and freely navigable. In some special sections the registration is required (free).
Is the material on this site created exclusively by you?
No, the network and the bibliographic material provide interesting ideas from which you can start.
Some of the material in this site disturbs me. What can I do?
You can contact me by filling out the form on this here.
Can I take the material and include it in my website and / or blog?
Of course, I think it's important to talk about Ayrton Senna as much as possible. Only a request: If it's possible, cite the source of origin, and send an Email to inform me.:).
There is an error in your site, why not fix it?
Because I haven't seen it :). So I ask you the favor to send me an Email with the error report.